29th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

29th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions * Pope Francis' October Prayer Intention * Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church **Gratefully received in September *Volunteers needed to count the collection *Mass readers *After a break of nearly five years **Standing debt *Bishop Philip's installation is on 9th November at Plymouth Cathedral.

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28th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

28th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions*Pope Francis' October Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Gratefully received in September *Volunteers needed to count the collections *Mass readers *A big "Thank you" *St Anthony's Phase 2 Project Standing Debt *Bishop Philip's Installation on 9th November.

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24th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

24th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' September Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Gratefully received in August *We commend to the Lord *Volunteers needed to count the collection *Mass readers *Fr Frank away on annual holiday *St Anthony's Project Standing Debt *Diocesan Youth Rally at St Rita's, Honiton.

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23rd Sun in Ordinary Time YB

23rd Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' September prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Sunday Mass music *Gratefully received in August *We commend to the Lord Ken Hooper, of Rockbeare *NO 9.30am Mass on Monday at St Anthony's * Volunteers needed to count the collections *Mass readers rota *Parish debt *Diocesan Youth Rally 2024 at St Rita's, Honiton.

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22nd Sun in Ordinary Time YB

22nd Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' September prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Sunday Mass music *Gracefully received in August *Gift Aiders *Volunteers needed to count the collections *Mass readers *Fr Romero is away on holiday *St Anthony's Phase 2 Building Project outstanding debt *Diocesan Youth Rally at St Rita's.

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20th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

20th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' August prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies * Music in church *Gracefully received in July *St Anthony's Phase 2 Project *Volunteers needed to count the collection *Mass readers *Congratulations to Carlos Torres *St Anthony's Phase 2 project standing debt *Diocesan Youth Rally at St Rita's.

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18th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

18th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' August Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Gratefully received in July *Gift Aiders *St Anthony's Church building Phase 2 *Volunteers needed to count the collections *Mass readers *Diocesan Newsletter.

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16th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

16th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' July prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Gratefully received in July *St Anthony's Church building Phase 2 *Church cleaners needed *Mass readers.

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14th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

14th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' July prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Sunday Music in church *Gratefully received in July *Catechetical Summer Camps *St Anthony's Church building project Phase 1 *Church cleaners needed *Mass readers *Health & Safety Notice.

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12th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

12th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' June prayer intention *Gratefully received in June *Catechetical Summer Camps *We commend to the Lord *Mass readers *Voluntary work done lately *Going into hospital *Church cleaners.

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10th Sunday in Ordinary Time YB

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' June prayer intention *We commend to the Lord Colin Baines *Saturday Evening Readers Rota *Diocesan Pilgrimage to Crediton *Annual Financial Report *Gratefully received in May *Catechetical Summer Camps.

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Corpus Christi YB

Corpus Christi YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' June Prayer Intentions *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Diocesan Pilgrimage to Crediton *Gift Aid audit *Gratefully received in May *Annual Financial Report *We commend to the Lord Colin Baines R.I.P.

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Trinity Sunday

Trinity Sunday


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' May prayer intention *University Catholic Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gift Aid audit *Gratefully received in May *Act now to stop DIY abortion *Diocesan Pilgrimage to Crediton *Catechetical Summer Camps *Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage.

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5. 19. 24 - Pentecost YB

5. 19. 24 - Pentecost YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' May Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincy *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gift Aid audit *Gratefully received in May *St Rita's feast day celebration * Catechetical Summer Camp *Diocesan Pilgrimage to Crediton *Community voluntary work.

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6th Sunday of Easter YB

6th Sunday of Easter YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' May prayer intention * Catholic University Chaplaincies *Sunday Mass music *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in April *No Masses at St Anthony's next week *Gift Aid audit *St Rita's feast day celebration *Youth Events news *The new Diocesan newsletter.

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4th Sunday of Easter YB

4th Sunday of Easter YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis'April Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in March *Gift Aid **Day of prayer for victims of abuse 30th April *Youth Events news *The new Diocesan newsletter *Caritas newsletter *The Bishops' Conference.

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2nd Sunday of Easter YB

2nd Sunday of Easter YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' April Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in March *Tony Madden R.I.P. *Gift Aid *There is a Divine Mercy service *Christmas and Easter collections *Youth Events News *The new Diocesan newsletter.

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2024 - 3, 31 - 1st Sunday of Easter YB, Easter Sunday

2024 - 3, 31 - 1st Sunday of Easter YB, Easter Sunday


*Collections *Confessions *Pope Francis' April Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at ST Anthony's *Gratefully received in March *Easter greetings *Gift Aid *Christmas and Easter collections The new Diocesan newsletter *Caritas Newsletter *There is a Divine Mercy service.

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2024 - 3, 24 - 6th Sun of YB Palm Sunday

2024 - 3, 24 - 6th Sun of YB Palm Sunday


*Collections *Confessions *Pope's March Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in March *Holy Week Services *Gift Aid *The new Diocesan newsletter *Caritas Newsletter *Child Exploitation Awareness Day 18th March.

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4th Sunday of Lent YB

4th Sunday of Lent YB


*Collections *Confessions * Pope's March Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in February *Tony Madden R.I.P. *Happy Mothers Day! *No Mass on Wednesday *The new Diocesan newsletter *Caritas Newsletter *Youth Events news.

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2nd Sunday of Lent YB

2nd Sunday of Lent YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope's February Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in February *Waiting again for a bishop for Plymouth Diocese *Lent Retreat Day *World Day of Prayer *Very sorry to see them go!

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6th Sun in Ordinary Time YB

6th Sun in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope's February Prayer Intention * Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gratefully received in February *Waiting again for a Bishop for Plymouth Diocese *Lent Retreat *Lent is coming! *Gather 2024 *Caritas Newsletter.

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4th Sunday in Ordinary Time YB

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Gather 2024 *Grateful received in December and January *Caritas newsletter *The new Diocesan newsletter *Bishop elect Christopher Whitehead.

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2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time YB

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time YB


*Collections *Confessions * Pope's January Prayer Intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *We have a new Bishop! *Gratefully received in December *Caritas January Newsletter *Christmas offerings *Week of Prayer for Christian Unity *The new Diocesan newsletter.

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3rd Sun of Christmas YB, Epiphany

3rd Sun of Christmas YB, Epiphany


*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January prayer intention *Catholic University Chaplaincies *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *We have a new Bishop *Gratefully received in December *A big thank you *Happy New Year *Welcome to the Church *Christmas offerings *Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

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