*Collections *Confessions *Pope's March prayer intentions *Music in church *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Lent *Thank you *Augustinian Recollect Mission in Sierra Leone *CAFOD & Sierra Leone Mission Family Fast Day *A prayer for Ukraine *The Bishops' Conference.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's March prayer intentions *Music in church *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Lent *Thank you *Sierra Leone *Parish groups and committees *Prayer for Ukraine *The Bishops' Conference.
Read More* Collections *Confessions * Pope's February prayer intentions *Music in church *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects * Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *The season of Lent *Thank you *Augustinian Recollect Mission in Sierra Leone *Parish Groups and committees *Synodal prayer *Women's World Day of Prayer 2022 *What is God saying to the church?
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's February Prayer Intentions *Music in church *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *60th Wedding Anniversary. *Augustinian Recollect Mission in Sierra Leone. *Parish groups and committees. *Thank you. *What is God saying to the Church? *Diocese of Plymouth - Walking together. *Young Adults Group.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's February Prayer Intentions *Music in church *About the order of Augustinian Recollects *Phase 2 Project at St Anthony's! *Parish Groups and Committees *Youth Residential Retreat *Racial Justice Day *What is God saying to the Church *Diocese of Plymouth - Walking Together *Thank you *Young Catholic Adult Group.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's February Prayer Intentions *Music in church *About the Order of the Augustinian Recollects *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Parish Groups and Committees *What is God saying to the Church? *Refugees and Migrants online event *Diocese of Plymouth - Walking Together *Youth Residential Retreat *World Day for the Sick.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January Prayer Intention *Music in church *Phase 2 Project at St Anthony's! *Online Event - What is God saying to the Church? *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.) *Refugees and Migrant Online Event *Diocese of Plymouth - Walking Together *Youth Residential Retreat *Thanksgiving Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January prayer intention *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Youth Residential Retreat *Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity *Thanksgiving Pilgrimage to Holy Land *Diocese of Plymouth - Walking Together *The Universe Catholic weekly *Refugees and Migrants Inline Event.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January prayer intentions *Music in church *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Youth Event *Online Event: Homelessness *Communion in the tongue *Friends of the Holy Land *The Universe Catholic Weekly *Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January prayer intention *Music in church *Youth event *Crib offerings *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Please pray *Friends of the Holy Land *Online event: Homelessness *Communion in the tongue.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Pope's January Prayer Intention *Music in church *Youth event *Crib offerings *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Christmas Offering *Happy New Year *What is the meaning of the word epiphany? *Please pray *Thank you *Sunday Mass attendance.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's December intentions *Music in church *Sunday Mass attendance *Church central heating improvement *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Christmas offering *Sunday 26 December *Booking for Christmas Masses *Your offering.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's December prayer intention *Music in church *Sunday Mass attendance *Church central heating improvement *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Booking for Christmas Masses *Sunday 26 December *Rejoice in the Lord always *Your offering.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's November Intentions *Music in church * *Sunday Mass attendance *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's *Mary's Meals Double the Love *Advent Retreat Day *Pilgrimage to Spain *Day of Prayer for Migrants.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's November Intentions *Music in church *Sunday Mass attendance *Phase 2 Project at St Anthony's! *November remembrance list *Pilgrimage to Spain *Advent Retreat Day *Mary's Meals Double the Love.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's November Intentions *Music in church *Sunday Mass attendance *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *November remembrance list *Installation of new boiler in the kitchen *Pilgrimage to Spain *World Day of the Poor 2021.
Read More*Collections *Confessions * Mass attendance *Pope's November Intentions *Music in church*Sunday Mass attendance *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Thank you *All Saints and All Souls *Please pray *Rise Theatre Workshop *COP-26 - UN Climate Summit.
Read More*Collections *Confession *Mass attendance *Pope's October intentions *Music in church *Sunday Mass attendance *Phase2 project at St Anthony's! *COP26 Appeal *Thank you *Please pray *All Saints and All Souls *World Mission Sunday *Don't forget.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's October Intentions *Music in church *Your offering *Please pray *Young Catholic Adult Group *Senior Camp for Years 7-11 *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Wednesday Word Scripture Reflection *The Bishops' Conference *£500 donation for the Parish.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's September Intentions *Music in church *Your Offering *Please pray *Youth Rally 2021 - St Rita's, Honiton *Young Catholic Adult Group *Catholic Chaplaincies *Phase 2 project at St Anthony's! *Walking with the Poor.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's September Intentions *Youth Rally 2021 at St Rita's, Honiton *Time of hope and uncertainty! *Music in church *Young Catholic Adult Group *Your Offering *The Bishops Conference of England and Wales *Diocese of Plymouth Environment Policy.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's August Intention *Check out Pope Francis' daily tweets on Tweeter *Youth Rally 2021 at St Rita's, Honiton *A new step forward in the right direction *Music in church *27 August, St Monica *28 August, St Augustine.
Read More*Collections *Confessions * Mass attendance * Pope's August Intention *Check out Pope Francis' daily tweets on Twitter *Youth Rally 2021 *A new step forward in the right direction *Music in church * Holiday Hunger *Young Catholic Adult Group *Mass Guidelines.
Read More*Collections *Confessions *Mass attendance *Pope's August Intention *Check out Pope Francis... *Plymouth Diocese Catechetical Summer Camps * A new step forwards in the right direction *Music in church *Holiday Hunger *Mass Guidelines *Sunday 15 August
Read More*Collections * Confessions *Mass attendance *World Day of Grandparents and Elders * It will not be long now! Mass Guidelines *Check out Pope Francis' daily tweets on Twitter *About the Order of Augustinian Recollects (O.A.R.).
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